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"Dr. April Vukelic is absolutely amazing and skillful. She not only understands functional medicine and mold recovery deeply, she is a highly skilled osteopath. She very thoroughly treats the entire body for somatic dysfunction at the highest quality. She takes her time and won't stop the treatment until the dysfunction is truly improved. Her treatments can improve pain, posture, facial symmetry, movement patterns, and more. She is a truly skilled osteopath. Dr. Vukelic not only has an impressive CV, experience and career trajectory, she highly values continuing education and she is constantly learning and sharpening her skills. She is of utmost quality and you will not regret seeing her for any manual therapy or lifestyle medicine.
Above are before and after photos of my cranial sutural treatment that Dr. Vukelic did in 15-20 minutes. Not only did I feel better, my facial symmetry was better and my teeth were more midline."
-Medical student, 26
"Osteopathy is the practice of healing with ten fingers. That's all. Period. Amen."
James Jealous, D.O.
Osteopathy treats any number of health issues by engaging the natural healing forces of the body. This can be seen in improved range of motion, function, and reduced pain and stiffness. It is a hands-on approach to acute and chronic pain and injuries.
Cranial Academy site:
The American Academy of Osteopathy:
Trained in biodynamics by Dr. James Jealous:
Adrienne Larkin, Esq. youtube video "Cranial Osteopathy Can Heal Brain Injury":
Dr. Andrew Weil's testimony on Osteopathy and Dr. Fulford:
"My eyes were aligned straight and my cheekbones popped out!"

Artist, age 27: one treatment

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